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We needed to change only a portion of the target.com experience in a way that would meet the business goals, the user’s needs, the new marketing campaign, have a unique look and feel, and still feel like a part of the larger target.com experience.


  • Redesign the grocery portion of target.com

  • Implement new requirements for different grouping of products they were calling “essentials”

  • Represent their new brand marketing campaign

  • Create a scalable solution to make the future transition of online grocery sales a smaller lift to launch


Keep the essence of target.com while bringing a bigger story to the essentials portion of the site. Help users understand the value of the products by placing them within themed groupings that reinforced the product as being seasonally appropriate (i.e. Benadryl during allergy season). Break the traditional mold of placing all available products in a rigid grid and offer a more interactive experience that integrated a social connection.